cholesterol diet

Why Switching from Beef to Chicken or Fish May Not Lower Your Cholesterol

It’s common for people to give up red meat in an attempt to get healthier and lower their cholesterol levels. But does…

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war on wheat

The War on Wheat

The Fifth Estate, the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s investigative news series, looks at the recent anti-wheat and gluten-free trend that they call the…

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whole grains

Why Whole Grains Should Be Part of Your Diet

Whole grains have an image problem. Media headlines and fitness magazines warn that eating grains can make you fat and sick. When…

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Nathan Runkle feature

How One Piglet Changed My Life

Growing up on a farm in a small Ohio town, I shared my childhood with animals of all kinds. I was enchanted…

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Coconut oil

Is Coconut Oil Healthy or Hazardous?

We are not quite sure why people think there is something magically healthy about coconut oil. We think it is because it…

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blood pressure diet

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure With Diet, Not Drugs

In this video, Dr. Michael Greger looks at the current research on the world’s deadliest risk factor and how it relates to the food…

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12 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss … with Benefits Beyond the Scale

As an internal medicine physician and director of an obesity program, I am all too familiar with the struggle that many people…

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prevent stroke

How to Prevent a Stroke

The belief that a high-fiber diet is inversely associated with some diseases has been around since the 1970s, and is supported by…

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food groups

The Only Three Food Groups You Need to Remember

The following is an excerpt from The Campbell Plan: The Simple Way to Lose Weight and Reverse Illness, which was released by Rodale Books….

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cancer diet

Can We Eat to Starve Cancer? Antiangiogenesis Foods 101

In this TED talk, Dr. William Li, President of the Angiogenesis Foundation, discusses a new way to think about treating cancer and…

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Why Starch Should Be at the Center of Your Plate

People are so afraid of starch and carbs these days, but we want you to unlearn everything you think you know about them. Despite…

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meat dairy prostate cancer

New Study: Typical American Diet and Dairy Products Raise Prostate Cancer Death Risk

A new study found that prostate cancer patients who ate a Western diet were 2.5 times more likely to die from the…

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