Man holding a raw steak

Dis-ease of the Heart: The Psychology of Eating Animals

On a recent flight on my way to present my slideshow on carnism, I struck up a conversation with the woman sitting…

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Restart for Health

< It is an astonishing fact that America — the best fed nation in the world — is the most unhealthy. Immigrants...

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different varieties of potatoes

Do Potatoes Cause Diabetes?

Are potatoes dangerous? Do potatoes cause diabetes? You might think so if you followed the headlines. In 2006, the media was full…

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milk acne

The Link Between Skim Milk and Acne

In this video, Dr. Michael Greger looks at three different Harvard studies that found a link between dairy consumption and acne…

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Why Parents Should Want Vegan Children

The vegan diet based in whole-foods has been proven to prevent death from heart disease, reduce “bad” cholesterol levels, and lower blood…

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Following My Passion: How I Grew into a Plant-Based Chef

In 2006, having resigned from a stressful position in publishing, I found myself sitting across from a career coach I found in…

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Forks Over Knives Launches New Website

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new! Our goal has always been to bring you the leading information…

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How Starches Satisfy Appetite

The following is an excerpt from The Starch Solution. The body’s metabolism is genetically encoded to run most efficiently on starch. No…

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How to Workout When You Are Overweight

I was 11 years old when I started to gain weight – and a LOT of it. Let’s just be honest here:…

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image of cancer cells

Reversing Cancer with Diet

It’s been over 20 years since Dr. Dean Ornish‘s groundbreaking research showed that a plant-based diet could open up arteries and reverse…

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More than Weight: Obese Teens Struggle with Diabetes

Obesity levels are on the rise, especially in adolescents. A new study released on Sunday shows another side to the obesity epidemic…

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Amy Smart is “Wow”ed by Forks Over Knives

Actress Amy Smart recently tweeted about her first viewing of Forks Over Knives. “Been hearing about documentary @ForksOverKnives, finally just saw it,…

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