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An EMS team surrounds a man lying on the ground having a cardiac arrest
Success Stories

I Went Vegan After Cardiac Arrest Nearly Killed Me

February 12, 2013, will live in infamy as my “death day,” but perhaps it would be more accurate to call it my…

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Mary Snyder Before After adopting a plant-based diet to avoid statins
Success Stories

I Went Plant-Based to Avoid Needing Statins. The Results Have Been Incredible

My family was self-sufficient on our small Iowa farm in the 1960s and ’70s. We raised, butchered, and packaged cattle, pigs, and…

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plant-based weight loss David Gwyn Before After
Success Stories

From Couch Potato to Avid Cyclist: My Plant-Based Transformation

In the fall and winter of 2017 I was traveling a lot and eating at restaurants with colleagues who always wanted the…

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Byron Edgington heart attack success story image 2
Success Stories

I Fully Recovered From a Heart Attack in 3 Months of Eating Plants

Two years ago, in January 2018, I had a heart attack. I wasn’t a candidate for one: I had no particular family…

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aaron calder before after cirrhosis liver disease
Success Stories

Recovering from Liver Disease on a Plant-Based Diet

In 2011 I found myself partying and drinking every day. It had started off as binge-drinking to boost my confidence. Then it…

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Hazel dixon cooper before after plant-based weight loss
Success Stories

Living Well, 122 Pounds Lighter on a Plant-Based Diet

At the end of my annual physical in 2016, my doctor tried, once again, to talk to me about my weight. For…

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plant-based success
Success Stories

After Decades of Failed Diets, I Went Plant-Based and Lost 140 Pounds in 2 Years

I was a sensitive child who turned to food as a coping mechanism. I developed a strong dependence on salty and sugary…

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plant-based diet weight
Success Stories

After 40 Years in the Pizza Business, I Went Plant-Based and Transformed My Health

Feb. 28, 2018, started out like an ordinary day. In the morning, I went to my doctor’s office for my quarterly blood…

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Lyn cancer diagnosis plant-based diet
Success Stories

After a Cancer Diagnosis, I Went Plant-Based and Transformed My Health

Before beginning this journey, I’d tried every dieting fad under the sun: Paleo, protein shakes… the list is endless. Nothing was helpful…

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Kellie overcoming arthritis on a plant-based diet
Success Stories

A Plant-Based Diet Resolved My Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Insomnia

About nine years ago, I was hit with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), an inflammatory disease that causes intense muscle aches and stiffness. I…

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Don Davis Stopped Chronic Kidney Disease with Diet
Success Stories

From 3 Percent Kidney Function to Dialysis-Free on a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

In November 2016 I went into an emergency room, and within just a few hours I was informed that I had stage…

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Sandra Krebs Glaucoma Diet Weight Loss
Success Stories

I Went Plant-Based for Glaucoma. Losing 110 Pounds Was a Surprise Bonus

I’ve had a complicated relationship with food my whole life. I grew up in a Sicilian family. One of the few ways…

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