John McDougall, MD
All Contributions from John McDougall, MD (14)
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Creamy Cilantro-Garlic Dressing
Tip: Include some cilantro stems along with the leaves for the boldest flavor. Or improvise by substituting other fresh herbs for the…
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Caribbean Rice
The combination of butternut squash, curry spices, brown and wild rice, and chard gives this dish a unique taste and lots of…
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Beware of Interventional Cardiologists (Heart Surgeons)
On March 16, 2015, during the hours following the McDougall Advanced Study Weekend I developed a viral infection that affected my inner…
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What is the Healthiest Diet on the Planet?
Excerpted from “The Healthiest Diet on the Planet” by Dr. John McDougall and Mary McDougall. Reprinted with permission from HarperOne, an imprint…
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Extreme Nutrition: The Diet of Eskimos*
The carnivorous diet of traditional Eskimo inhabitants of the frozen, northern, circumpolar regions of planet Earth (Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland), serves…
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Vitamin D Supplements are Harmful—Sunshine and Food Determine Health
Worries over vitamin D, once known as “the sunshine vitamin,” have turned hundreds of millions of people into patients with worse, not…
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Research Shows That a Healthy Diet Will Slow or Stop Most Cancers
More than 30 years ago, I performed and published the first study on the dietary treatment of breast cancer. Although it was…
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The Smoke and Mirrors Behind Wheat Belly and Grain Brain
The Atkins Diet lives on in the current bestselling books Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD and Grain Brain by David Perlmutter,…
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Who Should Take Cholesterol-lowering Statins? Everyone or No One?
Should cholesterol-lowering statins be added to our drinking water in order to prevent atherosclerosis, like fluoride is added to prevent tooth decay?…
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Angelina Jolie’s Double Mastectomy—People Are Desperate for Change
I have no intention of criticizing the famous actress, Angelina Jolie, for her decision to have both breasts removed in an effort…
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Diet, Children, and the Future
Once weaned, children are just like small adults when it comes to nutrition. Starches (potatoes, corn, rice, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.) must…
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The Paleo Diet Is Uncivilized (And Unhealthy and Untrue)
Low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets are fueling the destruction of human health and our planet Earth. “Low-carbohydrate” means a diet high in animal foods…
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