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Dr. McDougall Wagers 10-Day Program Will Free Paula Deen of Meds

By Forks Over Knives,

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Dr. John McDougall believes Paula Deen’s type-2 diabetes is curable and is willing to wager that a visit to his 10-day McDougall Program will dramatically improve her health.

In his newsletter released this week, Dr. McDougall said, “If [Paula] attends my program and does not make the significant positive changes that I predict, then I will be a guest on her cooking show and eat sliced beef wrapped in bacon strips and fried in chicken fat. Otherwise, if the McDougall Program does, as I confidently predict, cause her to lose weight, lower her blood sugar, and get her off her diabetic drugs, then she will agree to be a speaker at my next Advanced Study Weekend, September 7-9, 2012, and prepare a five-course, low-fat vegan meal with a starch centerpiece, ending with a healthy dessert.”

Dr. McDougall’s program involves educating people on a “starch-based diet,” defined as a diet based in “potatoes, rice, corn, sweet potatoes, pasta, etc. along with vegetables and fruits.” Dr. McDougall says studies going back decades show the benefits of eating this way and adds, “Over time, switching to a low-fat, starch-based diet and associated weight loss will cure essentially every patient with type-2 diabetes.”

We believe, along with Dr. McDougall, that a slim, diabetes-free Paula Deen serving up healthy plant-based fare can have an immeasurable positive impact on America. This seems like a great opportunity. What say you, Paula?

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